Drone & Dusted

Drone & Dusted offer professional commercial photography and videography services that cover a wide range of industries and projects in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

Utilising our drones allow you to give your projects a new perspective and allows access to places that cannot always be accessible.

We meet all current regulations as required by the Civil Aviation Authority and where required we can request permissions to fly.

Estate Agents

Providing stunning and dramatic aerial photography to help you sell houses.

Survey & Inspection

Providing Professional Services for Inspection and Survey Services

Drone and Dusted Background

Aerial Filming

Aerial Footage and Photography for professional and commercial services.

Safety is Paramount

We use top-of-the-range drones, cameras and lenses to make sure that we capture exactly the image or video footage that you need for your project.

We utilise the very latest DJI models which enables us to capture extremely detailed results boosted by low-light performance.

In additional to our equipment, we manage all of the legal and regulatory aspects for each location we visit, this is to ensure we comply with all of the relevant safety standards and in compliance with the UK Civil Aviation Authority.

Whilst we cover the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, we can work across the whole of the UK from rural to congested areas.

Crown Square in Matlock taken at night by our drone

If you would like us to undertake your Aerial Photography and Footage, please get in touch

07523 940919


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Designed by High Heel Creative